No.SongArtistAlbumClick to play!
1.All You Need Is LoveThe BeatlesString Quartet Tribute to the Beatles
2.Mr. BrightsideThe KillersString Quartet Tribute to the Killers
3.Bittersweet SymphonyThe VerveStrung Out Volume 7: The String Quartet Tribute
4.Time After TimeQuietdrive
Strung Out on Alternative Hits: Volume 3
5.IrisGoo Goo Dolls
Strung Out Volume 6: The String Quartet Tribute to Music's Biggest Hits
6.What A Wonderful WorldLouis ArmstrongIntimate Violin
7.WonderwallOasisThe String Quartet Tribute To Oasis: Decadence and Vanity
8.Sweet Child O' MineGuns N' RosesThe Rock 'n' Roll Wedding Collection
9.Uptown GirlBilly JoelString Quartet Tribute to Billy Joel
10.You're My Best FriendQueenString Quart Tribute to Queen

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