The Glastonbury Festival of Contemporary Performing Arts, Glastonbury or even Glasto for short, is the iconic festival that takes place at Worthy Farm in Somerset each year (aside from the periodic ‘fallow’ years to rest the land) bringing the biggest names in music and arts to perform.
2011 was no different, with Coldplay, U2 and Wu-Tang Clan amongst the big name headliners. This top 10 features these big hitters, along with a great tune from Two Door Cinema Club and old favourites from DJ Shadow and Primal Scream… enjoy!

No.SongArtistAlbumClick to play!
1.ClocksColdplayA Rush Of Blood To The Head
2.Fuck You!Cee Lo GreenThe Lady Killer
3.Pride (In The Name Of Love)U2The Unforgettable Fire
[Deluxe Edition]
4.New ShoesPaolo NutiniThese Streets
5.SuedeheadMorrisseyViva Hate
[Terry Farley Remix]
Primal ScreamScreamadelica
7.MykonosFleet FoxesSun Giant EP
8.Undercover MartynTwo Door Cinema ClubTourist History
9.Protect Ya NeckWu-Tang ClanEnter The Wu-Tang (36 Chambers)
10.Midnight In A Perfect WorldDJ ShadowEndtroducing...
[Deluxe Edition]

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